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Fractional Co2 laser

What is Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing?

A fractional CO2 laser is a carbon dioxide laser used for skin resurfacing. In this skin resurfacing services the layer of skin tissues are removed in a fractionated method. The columns of skin will be removed by leaving the skin surrounding each column intact to aid in healing.


How does it work?

Fractional CO2 laser treatment procedure is carried out by using carbon dioxide laser beams which will treat the skin below the surface. These beams microscopic holes in the skin and helps the body to produce more collagen. This helps to keep the skin more healthy and youthful.
The term fractional CO2  laser refers to the fragmented nature of its treatment which does not affect the entire skin surface. This helps to speed up the recovery time and enhancing results.

What are the different types of Fractional CO2 Laser resurfacing?

There are two different types of Fractional CO2  laser are in use now:

  • Albative: The carbon dioxide laser systems.
  • Non-Albative: The more gentle fractional laser which are erbium-type

The Non-Albative type such as the Fraxel Dual, are better for younger patients. These erbium-type fractional lasers help in mild or moderate scarring and fine wrinkles.
The Ablative type CO2  lasers treat more deeply, during the treatment they provide more heat in the skin which produce millions of laser wounds. As these wounds get healed the skin tightens and the texture improves.

Who are Ideal laser skin resurfacing Candidates?

Ideal candidates for Fractional CO2  laser are people who range from 40 to 70 years old. CO2  lasers can  safely treat those who have the following skin conditions:

  • Severe acne
  • Moderate to deep wrinkles
  • Significant sun damage
  • Blotchy skin
  • Scars on arms, legs, chest and neck
  • Precancerous growth
  • Lines around the mouth or eyes

The fractional CO2 laser treatment is considered to be a surgical procedure by cosmetic medical professionals, so people with minor skin imperfections are often not good for the procedure. People with very dark skin are also not good for the procedure, as the dark skin contains more skin pigment which causes the absorption of excess laser energy which may result in skin discoloration or blistering.

How long does it take to heal from CO2  laser resurfacing?

The expected recovery time of CO2  laser resurfacing is two to three weeks. It varies depending upon the area being treated, the CO2  treatment on the eyelids may take three to four days, whereas facial neck and chest take up to four weeks and treatment on the arms and legs may take longer.

What are the risks and side effects of CO2  laser resurfacing?
After laser skin resurfacing services, in some patients certain side effects may arise, these are relatively minor and will fade away in short time. The other common side effects of laser skin resurfacing include:

  • Swelling of the treated area
  • Redness of the skin
  • Moderate skin irritation
  • Burning or scarring
  • Change in the pigmentation of the skin



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